
Virdi in Bangladesh

ViRDI is the world best brand in biometrics for greater safety and convenience. The ViRDI series started in 2000 and has become the most popular brand in face and fingerprint recognition products. ViRDI is pursuing for the paradigm in biometric industry with its market proven expertise and core technology.


Union Community Co. Ltd is a total biometric solution provider with its core technologies evolved from fingerprint recognition. Union Community Co. Ltd has set benchmarks for a user friendly security products including biometric access control systems, time & attendance solutions, fingerprint scanners and modules. Union Community Co. Ltd is exporting their brand, ViRDI to more than 120 countries in worldwide and consistently innovating new biometric solutions for user convenience. Virdi in Bangladesh

What is a Fake Fingerprint?

It is an artificial fingerprint made from silicone, rubber, paper, gel, or film which is used to defeat common biometric readers. Our Time & Attendance Solution manages access records obtained from authentication server. There is no need of additional installation of Time & Attendance devices as a fingerprint recognition device can be used as the basis of an integrated system. In addition, access records are strictly managed based on fake fingerprint detection function. Thus, manipulation of work hours can be prevented in advance.

Our access control solution provides advanced control system for high security and convenience. Users can manage their human resource effectively by monitoring access history and current conditions of visitors Unexpected accidents can be preventedby remote control in emergency. Also make sure there is an annual inspection to ensure the system works perfectly. Confidential documents and assets can be protected by accurate access control solution.


Most biometric sensors can be defeated using a variety of commonly known methods. This renders most biometric technology useless as the level of security does not protect businesses from the financial loss through fraudulent clocking, Virdi Bangladesh nor does it provide the level of security required by government, airport, military and commercial organizations like howells ac.


VIRDI’s patented optical fingerprint sensor incorporates both LIVE and FAKE finger detection using a combination of the technologies below.

UBio-X Iris is a perfect iris recognition terminal for visitor and access control system with multi-modal authentication function, supports fingerprint and cards. I can be widely used in various ID verification for a range of applications, such as airport, hospital, any kind of company.

Latest Update Virdi Price List in Bangladesh:

Latest Virdi Models Latest Price
Virdi EB-030                           3,500.00
Virdi FOH02                         14,500.00
Virdi NScan-FMSE                         14,500.00
Virdi SR-100FP                         15,000.00
Virdi AC-1100                         22,000.00
Virdi AC-2100 PLUS                         23,000.00
Virdi AC-2200RFH                         30,500.00
Virdi AC-5000PLUS RF IK09                         45,000.00
Virdi AC-7000                         72,000.00
Virdi UBio-X Pro 2                         85,000.00
Virdi UBio-X Iris Call for Price
Virdi UBio-X Pro Lite Call for Price
Virdi UBio-X Slim Call for Price
Virdi UBio-X Pro Call for Price
Virdi UBio Tablet5 Call for Price
Virdi NScan-SH Call for Price
Virdi NSCAN-P Call for Price
Virdi NSCAN-T Call for Price